![Project workflow for Council Development Applications and Complying Development in Sydney](https://norrskenko.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Blog-Norrksen-Ko-Town-Planner-2.jpg)
19 Mar What Is A Town Planner?
Town Planners may be the dark horse of the building and construction industry. Who’s ever heard of a Town Planner and why do I need one when I come to building work on my house? What exactly do they do and can I do it myself? These are common questions for potential builders and those looking to do any work to their home. Let me try and answer some of the questions you may be asking.
What is a Town Planner and who needs one?
A Town Planner is a diverse professional within the building and construction industry. They can be described as a mix of Designer, Surveyor and Lawyer.
In summary, they need to be across all aspects of the building industry. Around 20 ago, when you wanted to do something to your house, all you needed was to scribble a diagram on a napkin and take it to Council. They would lazily tell you it’s fine, without even taking a look and away you go.
These days it’s a little more complex. The legislation and little details involved in getting Council approval are much more in-depth. That’s where a Town Planner comes into the equation. They are mostly thought of in public roles but they are found just as much in the private sector. Town planners essentially work on your project and have the know-how to get a Council Approval for you.
In the meld of an Architect cross Surveyor, Town Planners can influence the design of a house by what the laws require. As part of Norrsken Ko.’s process in obtaining your building approval, our Town Planners work on your project in the background and liaise with our Building Designers to get you the best outcome and smoothest ride through Council. They also remove the hassle and headache of going through and understanding the building and Approval’s process for you. Although you can do this by yourself, they know what you need, when you need it, how you need it, and who to get it from.
Builders and Developers use Town Planners to streamline their projects to get Council Approval faster, with less risk.
Buyers use Town Planners before the purchase of a property to better understand its potential, and Architect’s and designers often use Town Planners in their design process. They have a greater knowledge of any specific legal requirements, and how the Council is likely to respond to a design. Our Town Planners make your path in navigating the uncertain and daunting prospects of building a much easier and comfortable experience for you.
The great thing about a Town Planner is they should know everything. And if not, they should know where to start. They advise you and make a case for your plans. At Norrsken Ko., Town Planners work on all projects ensuring your plans have the foundation for the best outcome. Even if you don’t know it. Our Town Planners at Norrsken Ko. are always here to help, so if you have a question, get in touch for free advice.
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